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Course of Study

In the pursuit of whole-person education, Haven’s curricula and culture is designed to cultivate a confidence and literacy in the natural world through classical arts and science education. Education in this deep and comprehensive sense extends beyond the classroom and is more than mere acquisition of skills and knowledge; it encompasses the whole of one‘s life. At Haven we take education seriously because we take children seriously. We honor the dignity of their humanity and encourage them to actively pursue the purpose they were made for. For this reason, Haven seeks to involve families actively in the life of the school and in the education of their children.
Our courses keep the classical tradition in a nature-centric environment. Our model uses classic texts across the curriculum, inquiry based learning, and real life practice to teach young people to contemplate and comprehend the world with the goal of finding their own place in it.

Haven's Fine Art course cultivates three branches: nature illustration, imitating the masters, and art in community.

This course teaches specific 2d art mediums: pencil/pen drawing and watercolors, and 3d mediums: paper-making, pottery, woodcarving, mosaics, and printmaking, with the goal of fostering a love of beauty and creating that equips students for creative work and builds confidence for any skill acquisition. 

Each ten-week Fine Art course is  intentionally designed to complement our Science and Common Arts courses. 


Haven's Science through Nature courses are designed to spark wonder, contemplative reasoning, and connections with the natural world.
Middle school students formally study earth and life sciences through living books and the natural world that surrounds us.
High school students study biology, chemistry, and physics with a focus on observation and inquiry; outdoors and in the laboratory. 
Nature is our classroom and weather permitting we participate in outdoor studies. Haven cultivates an understanding of and participation in earth care by integrating permaculture and naturalist skills into our curriculum. 


Image by Annie Spratt
The Common Arts are the skills needed to provide for the basic embodied needs of humans and communities. From agriculture, carpentry, stonemasonry, textiles, and culinary arts, our Common Arts courses teach student the necessary skills not only to be successful in future work and daily life but also the confidence and creativity that comes along with hands-on experiential learning. 

Each ten-week block of Common Art classes integrate with our Science and Fine Art Studies. Please see sample class layout below.  


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